Taco Bell Vows to Be 20% Healthy by 2020

Despite its recent release of the Doritos Locos Tacos Doritos, Taco Bell announced yesterday that they will be “exploring ways to offer more ‘balanced choices.'” It’s a move we’ve seen many fast food chains make — from McDonald’s to Burger King scrambling to revamp their menus according to shifting consumer preferences for healthier options.

According to the Associated Press, Taco Bell claims that by 2020, 20 percent of its combo meals will comply with nutritional calorie and fat guidelines set by the federal government. During a call with reporters, CEO Greg Creed explained that this change could take place in the form of brand new products and reformulations to existing items. Creed noted that Taco Bell is testing a “range of products” that could launch as soon as 2014, yet assured that the brand would not “walk away from who Taco Bell is.”

It’s a bold play for a company whose health-touting “Fresco” menu accounts for only 2 percent of sales, while its famed Doritos Locos Tacos have been praised for saving the American economy by selling 375 million DLTs and creating 15,000 new jobs.

While I’m not trying to knock on Taco Bell (we’re cool boo, despite that chipception nonsense you pulled), let’s be real — you can’t release a Doritos-dusted taco one day then say you wanna be the new salad hotspot. Ok, you didn’t say that, but you get what I mean. It’s like claiming you’re going vegan, then  chowing down on a juicy steak burger the next day . . . and you know how that ends.


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