Candy Cobs—the Unicorn of Halloween Treats
Here’s How to Make Sunny Side Up Breakfast Nachos
Genius: Use Keurig To Make K-Cup Alcoholic Holiday Drinks
Burger King Gets Classy With New Gingerbread Cookie Dessert Goodness
STD Cupcakes – For If You’ve Ever Thought About Banging a Cupcake [Mildly NSFW]
James Bond Trades Shaken & Stirred for Heineken Beer
How To Not F**K Up Flipping Pancakes
Ragú’s ‘Charlie Bit My Finger’ Commercial Ruins Our Favorite YouTube Video
Coca-Cola Teams Up With Drug Company For New French ‘Beauty’ Beverage
Forget Edward Cullen – Make Out With These Toothsome Vampire Cookies
According to Polar Bears & Jason Mraz Music Video, Coca Cola Causes Amputations and Erectile Dysfunction
If Pokemon Had a ‘Food Type,’ This is What Their Evolutions Would Be
Chick-Fil-A Ad Says ‘Only A Fruitcake Wouldn’t Love Our Party Trays’ – Update
Snort Lines Off These Fear & Loathing Cupcakes
Here’s the World’s Most Expensive Cup of Coffee, Straight from an Elephant’s Butt
Eating In
We Dig It: Planters Pumpkin Spice Almonds Taste Like Cupcakes
Starbucks Le Fail [Photo]: Who Lost Their Job Over This?
Here’s How to Make Chocolate Pop Rocks Potato Chips, For a Fireworks Show of Flavor in Your Mouth
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