No Sh*t: McDonald’s Releases Chart Saying It’s Impossible to Live on a McDonald’s Salary
Things You Never Wanted to Know About Coffee [VIDEO]
Harry Potter Beers We Wish Were Real, from ‘Sorcerer’s Stout’ to ‘Deathly Hops’
The Gentleman’s Guide to Fast Food + Beer Pairings
1-Up Mushroom Pizza Rolls, Because You Can’t Save Princess Peach on An Empty Stomach
Hungry? Grab a Snickers Popcorn Cupcake
Domino’s India Offers Lebanese Rolls with ‘Delicious Cheesy Layer’
OH Great, Fark Beer Exists
Anti-Theft Pint Glass Explodes Ink If You Try to Steal It
‘Comic Sans’ & Other Classic Fonts Re-Imagined as Food
Awesome Dad Creates Fantastical Paper Lunch Bag Art
McDonald’s Hong Kong Offers Circus-Themed Hello Kitty Dolls
Here’s What a Mini Starburst Candy Looks Like [VIDEO]
Gratuitous Food Porn: National French Fries Day
Eating In
Giant Lightsaber Pocky are Everything You’ve Always Known You’ve Always Wanted
69% of Americans Ruin Bloomberg’s Day By Rejecting Sugary Drink Ban
Eating Out
Happy Cow Appreciation Day! Dress Up as A Cow & Swoop Up Free Chick-Fil-A
Bougie Ice Cream S’mores on a Stick Are the Latest Shtick by the Cronut’s Dominique Ansel
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