Melting Ice Cream Bars Become Abstract Art In This Hypnotic Timelapse
We’ve written about insane food-based art before. However, the simplicity behind capturing melting ice cream and popsicles is a new art form created by Youtube channel, Macro Room, a channel dedicated to making abstract, artistic masterpieces by capturing the process of dissolving just about anything.
Something as ordinary as melting ice cream shouldn’t be this hypnotic, but see for yourself.
The contrast between the melting creamy liquid and the sand creates a spongy effect, while the textures and colors of each bar seem to strip away in gooey layers of sugar and food coloring. Watching a rainbow of blue, yellow and white sprinkles slide down an oozing mountain of chocolate fudge is food seduction at it’s peak.
The only question that remains is how soon will ice cream companies take note of this entrancing sales point?