DC Bar Selling ‘You’re Fired’ Happy Hour Drinks Every Time Trump Fires Someone

Regardless of how you may feel about our current political situation, you can still drink to celebrate or gripe over recent events. One bar aims to help you out there with its “You’re Fired” happy hour special.
That didn’t take long/happen soon enough 👉Steve Bannon, YOU’RE FIRED! All happy hour drinks $4 today. https://t.co/Qw0kmb13NC #aCreativeDC pic.twitter.com/37pRjfxy1B
— The Bird DC (@thebirddc) August 18, 2017
The Bird, a bar in Washington D.C. that has some legit fried chicken, recently started offering the drink special. Every time the President fires a White House official, happy hour drinks will be available for $4 each. This marks a 50% slash in prices from their normal happy hour, which occurs weekdays from 4-7 pm and weekends 3-6 pm. The bar’s first “You’re Fired” happy hour occurred this past Friday, when white nationalist adviser Stephen Bannon was shown the door. Judging from Twitter photos of the event, the happy hour is going to be a success for ages to come.
Of course, Twitter had several questions for The Bird following their first rendition of the happy hour. What would happen if two officials were canned on the same day? Furthermore, what if the President himself resigned?
While we don’t know answers to those questions, we can definitely get behind this hilarious drinking deal.