Crafty Counter Gears Up For Launch of Wundereggs, Billed as the First Plant-Based RTE Boiled Eggs

While the niche market of plant-based eggs already has scrambled egg applications covered via an assortment of brands, Crafty Corner will soon be entering the space with Wundereggs, a product that’s billed as the first plant-based ready to eat (RTE) boiled eggs, according to FoodNavigator-USA.
The Wundereggs are gluten free, soy free, grain free, and dairy free, and will be sold in packs of two plant-based boiled eggs. These ‘eggs’ are treated with high pressure processing (HPP), which give them a shelf life of 90-120 days. As for what they’re made up of, the egg white contains nuts and agar, while the yolk uses nuts, turmeric, and black salt.
Plant-based brand Crafty Counter, best-known for its frozen lentil- and bean-based bites – has developed these industry first ready-to-eat plant-based boiled eggs, which it hopes to launch late this year or early next year.
Further product details can be found here.