Worst Shots Ever: This ‘Shoot The Dog’ Is DEFINITELY The Worst So Far

I recently attended my cousin’s 21st birthday, and this little asshole casserole was being fed froofy ass shots like a Buttery Nipple and a Redheaded Slut, and he was loving it. I stepped in to rock that little slut’s face off with some manly man shots, and that’s when I realized that the only two shitty shots I knew were the Gorilla Fart and the Four Horsemen. Right in that moment is when I decided to travel from bar to bar, trying to learn what exactly were…
The Worst Shots Ever
On our trek to discover the worst shots ever, Hayley and I made the horrible mistake of walking into Dogz Bar and Grill. While our bartender Jamie was nothing short of a sweetheart, the drink she made for us was whispering the devil’s prayer and peeling the paint off the walls. Ok, none of that actually happened, but it was damn close.
Although the shot itself doesn’t ring in a cavalcade of ingredients, the few it does have were enough to make Hayley jump out of her skin, bless her heart. I considered what it would be like to actually shoot a dog, and I came to the conclusion that the shot was an only slighter better option. Out of all the shots I’ve taken already, I urge you tough guys out there to head to Long Beach and try this one. You WILL regret it.