Worst Shots Ever: The Liquid Steak Shot That Made Me Hate Steak

I recently attended my cousin’s 21st birthday, and this little asshole casserole was being fed froofy ass shots like a Buttery Nipple and a Redheaded Slut, and he was loving it. I stepped in to rock that little slut’s face off with some manly man shots, and that’s when I realized that the only two shitty shots I knew were the Gorilla Fart and the Four Horsemen. Right in that moment is when I decided to travel from bar to bar, trying to learn what exactly were…
The Worst Shots Ever
After downing that AWFUL shot at DOGZ, Haley and I headed over to Shannon’s Bayshore for our next shot. In less than a week, Shannon’s will be celebrating its 21st birthday. Curious to see how they’re gonna live it up. There, our bartender Gina presented us with what she calls Liquid Steak. If you’re a fan of steak, you’re gonna want to get as far away as possible from this shot. It’ll probably ruin it for you.
Check out this week’s episode of Worst Shots.