World’s Largest Mazapán Sets Guinness World Record, Weighing Over 23,000 Pounds

Photo: Traductor Fer Gómez via Facebook
Photo Credit: @gentebienjalisco via Instagram
Photo Credit: @gentebienjalisco via Instagram
Photo Credit: @gentebienjalisco via Instagram

Mazapán, a beloved treat in Mexico and Latin America, is made from ground peanuts and powdered sugar. Known for its dry, crumbly texture and nutty flavor, it’s often used to decorate cakes or create other desserts.

Dulces de la Rosa, the iconic Mexican candy company, recently set a new Guinness World Record by crafting the world’s largest mazapán. Weighing an astounding 23,015 pounds, this massive creation was unveiled in Santa Ana, California earlier this month, showcasing the dedication and effort that went into achieving this milestone.

Mazapán’s popularity partly stems from its ability to hold its shape well, making it ideal for cutting or molding into figures. Think of it as a heavy-duty cake frosting, as it helps preserve and retain moisture in cakes like fruitcakes.

According to the outlet, We Are NORO, “Thousands gathered at Plaza de Las Banderas to witness this achievement, a tribute to the vibrant Mexican culture within the United States. The enormous mazapán, which measured 11.8 feet across and over 5 feet high, surpassed the brand’s previous record in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2018.” 

The event drew Mexican-American leaders, local dignitaries, and the non-profit Los 32 por México y más (The 32 for Mexico and More). The unveiling was a significant cultural celebration, bringing together Mexican families, friends, and local communities to honor Dulces de la Rosa’s impressive achievement.

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