Wienerschnitzel Adds TAMALES For The Holidays

Every year, once the holiday season rolls around, our stomachs can’t help but rumble over the fresh tamales being made all around the country. Even if your family isn’t one to make the dish each year, there are still ways of getting your hands on the seasonal item.
If all traditional venues fail, there’s always the fast food route to comfort food.
Wienerschnitzel announced they’ll be serving three special shredded beef tamales this holiday.
Guests can choose from a Classic Tamale (topped with chili and cheddar cheese), a Southwest Tamale (topped with guacamole, jalapeños, chili, and cheese), or a Hatch Tamale (topped with green chilies, chili, and cheese).
Shoot, they had us at chili.
The tamales will be available at all participating Wienerschnitzel locations beginning Oct. 30 and will be sold through the month of December.