Wienerschnitzel Is Now Selling Their Chili In A Can

There’s just something so addicting about fast food chili that makes me order it by the bowl, add some shredded cheese, and eat it straight with a spoon. If you’re one to devour Wienerschnitzel’s chili sauce, regardless of hot-dog shaped vessel, you can now get your hands on the hearty fast food stew by the can.
Wienerschnitzel is offering their iconic chili sauce in shelf-stable cans that you can order online. The 15-0unce cans are now sold online through Wienerschnitzel’s website and cost $5 each. Each can serves about seven people, or one really hungry chili lover.
You can eat the chili sauce by itself, or throw it on any food you think needs an added touch of chili — hot dogs, burgers, French fries. Personally, I would love a homemade breakfast burrito packed with Wienerschnitzel’s chili sauce.