Wienerschnitzel Brings Mini Corn Dogs Back, And It’s About Damn Time

Who let the dogs out? Wienerschnitzel let the dogs out. The mini corn dogs that is!
After enduring an orchestra of angry and uproarious mini corn dog fans, Wienerschnitzel eventually decided to appease the frustrated eaters and bring the tasty little treats back to the menu. The initial removal of the corn dogs was way too intense for some twitter users to mentally handle.
@wienerschnitzel bring back the mini corndogs!! Youve ruined my life. #wienerschnitzel
— Felipe Gomez (@fgomeztattoo) August 12, 2015
Wienerschnitzel doesn’t sell mini corn dogs anymore what kind of fucked up shit is this
— Kaleb Middleton (@_KalebMiddleton) June 28, 2015
okay so wienerschnitzel doesn’t sell mini corn dogs anymore… what typa shit is that. like who do they think they are ??
— lyss ◡̈ (@alyyssalynn) March 10, 2015
To think they could ruin Felipe Gomez’s life like that really shakes me to my core. Fortunately for all the disgruntled fans, the big wigs at the Wienerschnitzel corporate office managed to get those little doggies back on the menu before anyone did anything crazy, like use this incident as the catalyst to start a revolution (which was an actual threat from one particularly annoyed Twitter user). This news was monumental for all the mini corn dog diehards.
Mini corn dogs are coming back in November !!!! @wienerschnitzel you have answered my prayers ??
— Stacy Rae (@StacyRaeG) September 27, 2015
— amanda skahill (@cherry_stem) November 1, 2015
Not only are the little guys back, but they are now both cheaper and bigger! The new mini dogs are 24% larger than they used to be. Additionally, they will be sold for a measly ¢25 a piece. That means I can get 200 mini corn dogs for $50, and we all know that would be the best $50 ever spent.
As a complement to this delightful news, Wienerschnitzel has also released a seasonal Green Apple Soda to wash down all that fried, meaty goodness. Now we just need them to bring back those hilarious commercials with the scared hot dog and all will be well in the world again.
Image Source: Twitter