Why Not? Overalls for Your Wine Bottles

If you’re planning on bringing a nice bottle of Shiraz to a country hoedown or a dry Riesling to a southern picnic, why not, you know, make it a little bit fancy?

Don’t even think about about holding back — yeah, you know you want a pair of overalls for your wine. We stumbled upon Archie McPhee’s Vinderalls (believe us, we can’t even make this stuff up if we tried) and are… well… to be honest, slightly puzzled.

Is this, uh, attire supposed to keep our prime bottle of vino feeling slightly hipsterish, or just plain ridiculous? Because the only thing we remember about overalls is how much of a struggle it used to be to use the bathroom in third grade.

As Incredible Things so kindly points out, wine also has underpantsvinderhosen and ugly Christmas sweaters in its wardrobe. Not gonna lie, we’re kind of feeling left out.

Wine Overalls: $12.50 @ Amazon

via Incredible Things

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