For One Day Only, White Castle Will Sell A Fried Onion Slider For A Noble Cause

White Castle is debuting a new limited time only fried onion slider, and is ensuring that some of the proceeds go to a great cause.
Photo courtesy of White Castle.
As part of a charity raffle event, White Castle fan Rich Lerner won the right to create his own slider to sell for a single day. That mini sandwich, called The Chipper, consists of an Original slider topped with a bunch of Onion Chips (aka pieces of fried onion) and ketchup. The Chipper will only be available on Sunday, October 8th, and for every Chipper sold, both Lerner and White Castle have pledged to donate 10 cents to Autism Speaks.
White Castle has a history of working with this organization, which aims to increase the understanding and acceptance of those who struggle with autism spectrum disorder. Over the past decade, White Castle has brought in over $6.5 million in contributions to Autism Speaks, a number which will only go up with the sales of this crispy onion slider.
If you’re down to fill up on fried onions and sliders while supporting autism awareness, head to any White Castle restaurant in the nation to order the Chipper slider.