You Can Now Enjoy Your Whiskey In A Capri Sun-Like Pouch

As as kid, we’d inhale those Capri Sun pouches after school or pretty much anytime we could get our hands on one. As an adult, however, seeing hard liquor like whiskey served in a similar pouch makes us cautiously excited.
Whisky Me is an alcoholic subscription service that allows you to try some of the world’s best whiskies without ever setting foot outside, reports BroBible. At $10 a month, 1.7 ounces of liquor is thrown into a pouch (not unlike the ones Capri Sun came in) and shipped to your doorstep.
The only major difference between the alcoholic pouches and the ones from our childhood is a twist-off top. Looks like the days of penetrating those pouches with a flimsy straw are gone.
Unfortunately, this service is only available in the United Kingdom for the time being. Fingers crossed we’ll see it expand to the US sometime soon. In the meantime, we’ll just stick to pouring our alcohol in a glass like a boring grownup.