This Cool Coastal Sandwich Is Topped With A Fried Soft Shell Crab

Fish, urchins, octopus, eel; with so many delectable protein options out there to offer, it is no wonder we so often look to the sea for new ideas and inspiration when it comes to food. If you disagree, ask yourself: are you feeling crabby?
Those lucky enough to live along the southern California coastline can embrace their crabby sides by enjoying a Fried Soft Shell Sandwich, the newest addition to the menu at West Coast Fish in Costa Mesa, CA.
Photos by Peter Pham
The concept was created by West Coast’s Roy Abi-Najm. Inside the sandwich, you will find a whole fried soft shell crab, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and ‘bootleg Mac sauce’ — all on one perfectly palm-sized bun.
The combination of crunchy crab and classic sandwich toppings make for a fresh, West Coast twist, and the taste of the sandwich overall is reminiscent of the salty sea itself. It also makes you want to dip your toes into the Pacific — and pronto!
The special promotion item can be yours for a mere $10 — for a limited time only at West Coast Fish. A portion of each purchase also benefits Project Hope Alliance.
This briny beauty is fit for just about anyone living above sea level.
Created in partnership with West Coast Fish