DANKSGIVING: The Ultimate Weed-Infused Thanksgiving Guide

If your Thanksgivings are usually boring, or you have those annoying aunts who won’t shut up about how dangerous the Facebook Internets are, these recipes might be a good way to get everyone to chill and get on the same page.
These not-so-traditional “baked” meals cover all your Thanksgiving favorites, from weed-infused pumpkin pie, to a weed-laced turkey.
Not sure if they were stoned while thinking of these recipes, but they were probably stoned after.
We’re not promoting the illegal use of marijuana, but, umm… whatever. If you have access to weed, this is for you.
Check out these Danksgiving recipes for yourself:
“Green” Bean Casserole
If you want to add some extra “Green” to your green beans casserole, you can do so with some weed fat and weed milk. YouTube channel Watch Cut video shows us that you can cook up some bacon, mix it with weed and make yourself some cannafat. Same with the come cannamilk. Canna get a hallelujah?
High Pumpkin Pie
Sweet Grass Kitchen in Denver, Colorado brought these weed pumpkin pies to light last year and showed how they infuse the weed right into the pie crust. You can make your own version of that at home with some home made cannabutter and this recipe from The Cannabist (Great Name).
Cannabis Cranberry Sauce:
Another one from the YouTube Channel Watch Cut Video, this weed-mixed cranberry sauce recipe looks pretty simple, although it does take a couple days of prep work. You make some weed whiskey and mix it with the cranberries.
Mary Jane Mashed Potatoes
Mashed potatoes are another holiday favorite that you can give some extra herbs to. The Stoners Cookbook has a recipe that’s simple, yet effective. You essentially just mix in a half ounce of dried marijuana leaves in order to get a little extra buzz.
Pro tip: Use this cannabutter recipe to infuse your mashed potatoes with.
Stoner Stuffing
After mixing some olive oil with ground weed, the rest of the stoner stuffing recipe is pretty standard. You still use ingredients such as chicken stock, cubed bread and celery, they’ll just be a little more intoxicating. Check out how Watch Cut puts it all together above.
THC Turkey
This one’s the biggie, and of course, Watch Cut provided a beautiful visual for it. The turkey is usually the main dish for Thanksgiving and it’d be a shame if you got all your friends and family high as hell and not even attribute it to the turkey at all.
For the weed-infused turkey you’re going to make some cannabutter that you rub all over your naked bird, then inject it with even more weed, literally, as you use a syringe to infuse a weed-laced marinade.
Ganja Gravy
If all these recipes sounds like too much work, you can kill all the birds with one bowl of gravy. You can have everyone feeling sky high with this list, but some weed-infused gravy can go over everything you eat anyway.
The Weed Blog has a recipe for some solid home-made gravy that incorporates that classic cannabutter we’ve seen in a lot of these recipes.
Follow these recipes and you can have quite an interesting dinner.