We Dare You: Super-Size Me Sushi


Much like coffee, cream and whiskey…you can never have enough sushi. However, this gigantic raw sea beast slapped onto a mountain of rice and wrapped in a sheet of seaweed…just may be the exception.

Umewaka, a sushi restaurant in Japan, is famous for their over-the-top, insanely large sushi. The above is their famed super-sized anago sushi that features several whole fillets of eel, which will only cost you 2,620 Japanese yen or about 33 US dollars. Not bad for a plate that will easily feed a group of 6 to 8 sushi lovers.


Now, while the anago may have impressed (or perplexed) you, the above photo is Umewaka’s sushi-roll behemoth. Stuffed with twenty variations of raw seafood and wrapped tight into a two-meter long bed of seaweed and rice, this delectable lusus naturae weighs in at approximately six kilograms and will run you ¥15,000, or $190.

Also, in Japanese culture it’s polite to finish your food and not leave anything to waste. So, mind your manners.

Via Kotaku

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