LA’s Iconic ‘Quesadilla Man’ Is Coming To Orange County For A Weekend

“No one’s copied Keith Garrett yet, because you can’t,” said Farley Elliot of Eater. “And that’s no bullshit.”
Quesadilla lovers in South Los Angeles’ will know All Flavor No Grease as the spot to get a glorious fix of meat and cheese in a tortilla.
The iconic neighborhood stand, run by owner Keith Garrett, draws customers from all over the city happily waiting in the blazing sun to get their hands on one of his quesadillas. Garret combines meat, cheese, and his special pico de gallo in such a way that people flock to his outdoor flattop.
His sense of community has kept him from moving the stand outside of Watts since he opened.
For the first time, however, Garrett will be taking his quesadilla spot out his Watts driveway and stepping into a whole new county.
A photo posted by Keith Garrett #AFNG (@allflavornogrease) on
This will be my first time out of LA County.
The All Flavor No Grease stand will make its Orange County debut at Foodbeast’s Oozefest II this year at the Market Place section. His arrival in the area will hopefully draw him a huge new demographic of quesadilla lovers.
This will be my largest event. I’m stoked. I’m over ecstatic!
If you want to secure your quesadillas, cause they’ll easily sell out at the Market Place with a $5 admission fee. Also, make sure to grab your VIP tickets as soon as possible to get all-you-can-eat-and-drink. Might as well go all out.