Watch This Magician Pour Beer Out of an iPad [VIDEO]

German magician Simon Pierro wowed audiences at Hofbräuhaus in Munich, Germany, when he turned a suction cupped faucet on his iPad into a never-ending stream of beer.

Just when you thought the iPad did almost everything well…actually, it still does almost everything. Remember that Pierro is a magician, and there is indeed no app for beer-pouring (yet). But the ideas presented through the entertaining video (below) does open the floodgates for engineers, scientists, software developers and beer enthusiasts to think outside-the-box, or at least into the future.

We might be years away from pouring beer out of a device that magically produces it without a source, but Simon Pierro is the guy we should be tipping our hat to in 2045 when this joke becomes a reality:

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