Watch Bill Murray Jack Someone’s Fries While Everyone Around Just Sat And Watched

If the legendary Bill Murray walks over to your table, steals some of your fries, and walks away, what can you even do? Do you run after him and ask for his autograph, or ask him what the hell he just did?
According to Reddit user Sonowthatimhere, Murray swiped his friend’s fry at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport, with actual photographic proof supporting the claim. You’ve probably seen the memes, or heard the urban legends where Murray has supposedly done stuff like this and whispered, “No one believes you,” but now we know the comedic genius is capable of such things.
Bill Murray really is a serial fry thief, and even when seeing it, it’s hard to believe.
Apparently everyone within the Murray vicinity just laughed, which is probably an appropriate response to anything he does, but it still had to be a shocking experience for everyone.
All I know is if the Ghostbusters-legend took one of my fries, we’re probably throwing hands.