Waffle Riot! — Black Friday Shoppers Fight Over $2 Waffle Makers [VIDEO]

Discount shoppers rejoice, it’s Black Friday, which means hordes of people will be pouring into establishments with anything notably resembling a sale. It also means it’s time to hear the crazy stories of thriving discount-heads trampling each other, pepper spraying their fellow man for an X-Box and in the case of this particular story — mobbing over $2 Waffle Makers.

In the following video, you’ll get a shaky account of a crowd of shoppers jumping on a supply of $2 waffle makers by. I wonder how much these people could have saved by actually going to work, making a few dollars, and spending their day’s wage on a normally-priced Waffle Maker.

Just something to think about, but what do I know?

[via mashable]

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