You Can Fill a Giant Tub of Popcorn at This UAE Cinema

@gulfbuzz Tag Your Popcorn Crew #fyp #dubaitiktok #uae #viral #اكسبلورexplore #dubai #dubaifood ♬ Hola – :):
This is not a drill. They really know how to do it big in the UAE.
All Vox Cinemas in the United Arab Emirates are allowing customers to bring their own tub to fill with popcorn. Here, size doesn’t matter — the tub can be as small or big as you’d like. You simply show the concession stand your movie ticket and get your tub filled with all your favorite flavors of everyone’s beloved movie treat and head on into the theater.
You might need to book an extra seat just for your popcorn. Hopefully it won’t go stale before you can finish it all.
This is a limited time offer only on Sundays through July 24th.
Brb, booking my flight now.