Woman Caught Attempting To Smuggle ‘Vodka Sandwich’ Into Arena

This was spotted by security yesterday, you hide it, we find it! Let us know your witty strapline suggestions and you could win a prize!! pic.twitter.com/2bXVdIIHJa
— Southwell Racecourse (@Southwell_Races) August 21, 2017
We all try to smuggle food or alcohol into places they’re not allowed. Whether it be movie theaters or sporting arenas, we’d rather bring our own stuff in to save some money. There’s also plenty of hilarious tales about the more creative food smugglers, regardless of whether they succeed or not. This “vodka sandwich” escapade, for example, is a hilarious example of someone getting a little too creative.
The social media team at Southwell Racecourse in Nottinghamshire, England, recently posted the above photo of the sandwich. Apparently, a woman thought she could smuggle in a bottle of vodka by disguising it inside of a tomato and salami baguette. According to the Telegraph, however, security caught on when they noticed that the sandwich was quite heavier than expected.
Normally, security would confiscate the sandwich and alcohol inside at the gate. However, Fox News reports that officials were so in awe at the “lady’s ingenuity” that they were willing to let her pick up the sandwich after the race. She passed on getting the bottle back, unfortunately.
Still, we all get to learn an important and hilarious lesson through this creative woman. Sneaking in bottles of vodka via baguette isn’t exactly the best idea in the world. Better luck next time, madam.