Vitalicious Brand Presents Low-Calorie Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches

With Frozen Food Week coming up March 21st – 25th, we decided to get a jump start on the coverage with some interesting and new products, starting with VitaSandwiches. For many, breakfast is arguably one of the best meals of the day, but with so many on tight budgets, tight schedules and even tighter diets, it’s often hard to find a way to get a decent meal in during those morning hours.

This is where VitaSandwiches, a subsidiary brand of Vitalicious is trying to fit in. The “healthy lifestyle” promoting brand has pushed out two 150 calorie frozen breakfast sandwiches, an Egg N Cheese and an Egg N Cheese With Veggies. With each sandwich promoting only 2 grams of fat, a minimal 150 calories, a rich combination of vitamins, and 14+ grams of protein per sandwich, we’re  definitely looking at a unique breakfast alternative.

The folks over at Vitalicious have also provided us FOODBEASTS with a 10% off promo code if you wanted to try any of their stuff direct from their webstoreWBLGQ33YYY. Here’s a closer look at the nutritional facts:

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