Can You Tell Us What The Vile Thing This Woman Found In Her Coconut Water Is?

UPDATE: A spokesperson for Vita Coco claims that the object is more than likely mold, according to BuzzFeed.

What the hell is that?

Likely one of the many thoughts running through Barbara Kline’s head as she uncovered a curious item in her coconut water.

According to the New York Post, Kline was drinking from a carton of Vita Coco when she noticed a strange taste. At first, she believed she picked a flavored variation of the drink, but soon discovered it held an unnatural color as she poured some of the contents down the drain. She then noticed some clinking noise coming from the carton.

Here’s what she found inside:

Admittedly, we tried not to stare at this too long, having many food-related things to do with the rest of our day. However, we simply can’t figure out what it is.

Kline claims that she experienced “days” of vomiting and diarrhea from the experience, reports the Post.

Since the photographs gained attention, Vita Coco has offered to pick up the curious item from Kine’s home. Kline said, however, that she is hanging on to it as it is the only evidence she has against them. Still, we might want to look into getting it tested by experts.

So what do you think it is? An undiscovered sea creature? A moldy mass that grew a little too large? Or an alien scout sent from the stars?

Check back as we’ll update you as soon as we find out.

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