Woman Goes Viral After Asking For Extra Rice With A Microphone At Restaurant

I’m usually pretty shy when I order food. Something I need to work on, sure. Timidness doesn’t seem to be a problem, however, with Filipina diner Glysdi Faith Baguio. Especially when she wants her rice.
Baguio is the star of one of the most viral restaurant videos to hit the Internet this past week.
According to NextShark, the video was recorded at an unknown location of Filipino restaurant chain Mang Inasal. This barbecue fast food concept offers up unlimited side orders of rice, and Baguio was looking to take full advantage. Baguio’s friend Liviann Magat Zorilla, the one behind the camera, posted it to her Facebook page.
As she eats, Baguio nonchalantly whips out a microphone and asks one of the servers for another helping of rice. Because he doesn’t hear her the first time, Baguio is urged to ask again taking the microphone out again.
The server, referred to as Kuya (big bro), doesn’t get upset or annoyed. Instead, he flashes a smile and presumably heads to retrieve the much-anticipated rice. It seems this dude’s amiable reaction to what many other servers would consider rude contributed heavily to how viral the clip went.
Since it went live, Zorilla’s upload has already gained 3.7 million views. Many of the comments were positive, praising the reaction of “kuya” in the video and how he helps contribute to such a positive restaurant atmosphere.
Although Baguio was the star, everyone clearly thought that the “kuya” was the real MVP of this clip.