‘FailChips’ Want You To Enjoy The “Best” Part Of Potato Chips: The Crumbs

Many modern-day snackers claim the best part of a bag of potato chips to be the crumbs left behind, after all the chips have been devoured. ‘FailChips’ is cashing in on that notion with its new line of packaged pieces.
FailChips are essentially standard, flavored potato chips ‘crushed to imperfection’ and bagged for your salt-craving pleasure. The idea for the product dances along the line between “gourmet snack fads” and “authentic foodie culture,” that is, according to its parent, MailChimp. The company has partnered up with VICE Media to explore the intersection of these subjects in VICE’s newest documentary, FailChips, with the examination of potato chips as a whole being the focus at hand.
The program features interviews with a slew of curious folks who range from potato chip historians, to a competitive chip-eater, and even a couple of convenience store workers who have actually stocked FailChips in their shop.
“People have been coming in to get the FailChips,” one of them says, “I guess they’ve been moving.”
On the taste of the product, he comments:
‘Wow, it’s pretty good.’
Sooo…sounds like snacks really can’t be too “chipped” to fail?
You can catch the premiere of the FailChips documentary on VICE.
Created in partnership with VICE