16 Unique Coffee Mugs You Need In Your Mornings

The best part of waking up is coffee. Maybe not any coffee, and probably not Folgers, but this nectar of the gods is the life force for many of us. Why bother throwing such an important beverage into a boring mug? We brewed up a few mugs to fix that.
1. Lego My Coffee
Because Lego’s are the foundation of any nutritious breakfast.
2. Taste The Rainbow
Drink coffee and poke your enemies eyes out. Plus rainbows. So, basically all your favorite things.
3. Pipe Dreams
Perfect for mushroom tea.
4. Schroedinger’s Coffee
The only problem is that the coffee is both cold and hot until you sip it…
5. Who Needs A Plastic Surgeon?
My other nose is a fucking disaster.
6. C Is For Coffee
Addictive behavior is hilarious…
7. The Call of Coffee
Cthulhu Coffee: Perfect for kicking your morning into beast mode.
8. Put Your Donuts Where Your Mouth Is
Because 8 AM is simply too early to talk your way into a sexual harassment suit.
9. Flush Once For Caffeine
Get it? Cause I have a potty mouth? And everything else about me is horrible.
10. Quali-tea
Mostly confusing, because this is a coffee mug with a tea pun on it. And vestigial arms.
11. The Sunday Morning Mug
A classy way of saying what we could already smell coming out of your pores, Linda.
12. Early Morning Accomplishment
Wanted a medal, got a mug :\
13. All The Rage
He’ll probably be really angry when he actually tries to crumple it.
14. Emotional Little Sith
I’m guessing you take it… dark?
15. I Can See Clearly Now
The only time it’s acceptable for your lens to be steamy.
16. Snooze Button Managed
Who needs a wand when you have coffee?