Unfortunately, This is What a Frozen McRib Looks Like

McDonald’s McRib is back on the menu, the infamous barbecue sauce-slathered pork-ish patty now available for a limited time. In the most timely of discoveries, Reddit user DJDanak claimed a friend of his who works at the chain snapped the above photo of “raw McRib meat.”

Judging from the boxes featured in the background, we’re assuming that the “Boeuf Canadien” is from the land up north. Naturally, this has prompted an onslaught of “McRibbed for Pleasure” cracks across the internet, while others are appalled that the guy in the photo didn’t use gloves. Thank goodness for priorities.


Although, we aren’t terribly surprised. If you were expecting the McRib to come delivered fresh off the farm, it’s time to lower you expectations.

H/T Gothamist + PicThx Reddit

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