Two Brothers Survived A Week On Protein Powder Before Being Rescued Under Rubble After Turkey-Syria Quake

While Turkey and Syria reel from the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck their countries, ongoing rescue efforts are not only uncovering trapped victims, but miraculous survival stories as well. Brothers Abdulbaki Yeninar, 21, and Muhammed Enes Yeninar, 17, were pulled from the rubble of their apartment after surviving for over 200 hours.
In a tale of faith and resourcefulness, they managed to survive the week by rationing protein powder, drinking their own urine, and taking gulps of air. The New York Times reported that the brothers were one of only nine unlikely rescues a week after relief efforts began. It’s reported that the current death toll exceeds 40,000.

“Breathing was easy,” one brother, Abdulbaki Yeninar, 21, told the local Ihlas News Agency. “We took protein powder.”
After receiving treatment at the hospital, Ihlas News Agency was able to find out more about the brothers’ experience. “I was very comfortable. I knew I would be saved. I just prayed,” Abdulbaki Yeninar shared. Their rescue follows that of another miraculous survival: Their mother, who was saved from the rubble two days before. Thankfully, they’ll be reunited.

People are in desperate need of humanitarian aid. Hans Kluge, the World Health Organization’s director for Europe, said in a press briefing on Tuesday, “The needs are huge, increasing by the hour. Some 26 million people across both countries need humanitarian assistance.”