Try Not to Be Murderously Jealous: Dinner Inside Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion

To full comprehend the gravitas of the situation — being able to actually dine (and take flash photography!) inside the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland — you must first understand the hyper-exclusivity of the famed Club 33. If you’ve never heard of it, it is, in short, Walt Disney’s personal restaurant/alcohol trove located (subtly) right next to the Blue Bayou in New Orleans Square. With a 14-year+ wait list time for membership, and apparently outrageous annual dues.

So. Yeah. You’ll probably get into the Club right before you get a personal invitation to sleep on the foot of the President’s bed.

The point is there was this thing, a Club 33 event held in the Haunted Mansion, to honor its late designer, Marc Davis. And apparently, it was amazing.

Heather, from Disney Food Blog, describes the whole thing in detail, from the 34-person table set in the haunted hallway you walk down right after getting off the stretching elevator room (“Of course…there’s always my way! *cue scream/faux corpse*”), to the five-course meal, complete with wine pairings, and words like amuse bouche. The meals were themed on the portraits in the stretching elevator, and had names like the “Quick Sand-Wich” (a deconstructed BLT) and the “Tightrope” (a really fancy salad).




The meal, hosted by a whole bunch of famous Disney folks, was then interrupted by a star-studded ride through the mansion, which ended with–wait for it–dessert: glowing crystal balls made of blown sugar, full of cotton candy and chocolate cake. I just…I can’t even right now.


Seriously. Disney, plus adorable famous people, plus food? What else is there in life? Breathing? Who breathes?

See the full story, menu, and more pictures at the blog page. Try not to feel too murderously jealous.

H/T Disney Food Blog + Photo Courtesy of Heather Sievers

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