T.J. Maxx Low-Key Has Massive 3-Foot Tall, 22-Pound Bags Of Chocolate

You can find a lot of things at T.J. Maxx — mostly clothes on the floor — but one thing you probably would have never guessed to find at the store, is ridiculously giant bags of candy, ones that are literally the size of an infant.
If that didn’t paint the picture well enough, Reddit user joycieejuice posted a photo of her giant bag of ChocXO organic dark chocolate minis, with her dad (at 5-foot-7) standing behind it for scale.
No, it’s not a camera trick, or Photoshop, these are legit bags of candy that tip the scales at 22 pounds, and contain 2,000 squares of organic, gluten free, 56 percent dark chocolate.
The ChocXO site says the bags go for $325, but we’re talking about T.J. Maxx, so they hit you with the bargain store hookup price of $120, according to the Reddit user.
That bag is so big, it should probably start paying for rent. It’s so big, an annoying YouTuber will probably buy a bag or two, fill a bath tub with it, and jump in for no damn reason.
It’s too bad the holidays just passed, but if you love someone enough to buy a $120 bag of chocolate this year, it’s probably the perfect birthday gift, honestly.