Time Traveler Tries to Use Pizza Hut Coupon from the 90s


On the left is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “radically sealed VHS” from the 1990s. On the right is a time traveler who is, coincidentally, also from the 90s — you can tell from the bodacious lime green hat, zebra lenses, awesome American Flag pants and the profuse use of neon in general. 90s Ninja Turtles VHS and time traveler? Check.

The Saved by the Bell extra above apparently traveled forward a few decades in the hopes of using a Pizza Hut coupon found within the sealed VHS. While the coupon expired on December 31, 1991, the Pizza Hut manager honored the coupon, understanding that the weary time traveler was hungry after a long day of wormhole hopping.

Watch the blast from the past below:

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