Former NFL Player “Peanut” Tillman Displays ‘Nutty’ Passion For National Peanut Month

Do you love peanuts? Do you constantly crave the sweet yet salty crunch of this delicious shelled snack? Maybe you’re the kind of peanut lover who would rather have a bag of peanuts over a hot dog at the baseball game? Or, maybe you’re the type who would name one of your pets “Peanut” and another “Butter?”
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may be a shell out — and that’s a good thing, according to the National Peanut Board. The organization is looking for Shell Outs everywhere to go above and beyond for March’s National Peanut Month and showcase their undying pride for peanuts on social media.
Former NFL player, FOX NFL Kick-Off Co-host and creator of his patented “Peanut Punch” on the gridiron, Charles “Peanut” Tillman teamed up with the NPB to show peanut lovers exactly how much of a “Shell Out” he really is. Tillman wanted to dive — or cannonball — right into some crazy stunts to showcase his nutty passion for peanuts.
Photos by John Konstantaras
Tillman sure isn’t shy about being a Shell Out. In fact, being the creator of his patented “Peanut Punch” on the gridiron, and carrying the nickname “Peanut,” Tillman basically embodies the term — and actions speak louder than words.
From leaping into a hot tub full of peanuts, or trying to create a sculpture using only thick, creamy peanut butter, Peanut Tillman demonstrates what peanut fanatics everywhere can do to show that they are true shell outs. Check him out in action on Twitter and Instagram at @PeanutsHere.
Additionally, by using the hashtag “#ShellOut” from March 15 – June 15 on social media, peanut lovers everywhere can show Charles and the National Peanut Board who the biggest shell out really is.
So, if you’ve got the next viral love song about your homemade peanut butter cups, or you’re working on the blueprints to your all-peanut-shell treehouse, be sure to document your hilarious and creative experiments using the hashtag #ShellOut.
Check out the ultimate Shell Out himself in action:
Created in partnership with the National Peanut Board