Viral TikTok Shows How Much Finesse Goes Into Making Japanese Omurice


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♬ 人生のメリーゴーランド(ハウルの動く城) – Kazumi Tateishi Trio

Japanese omurice — a velvety soft omelette on top of pillowy white rice, which when cut open, unleashes a a cascade of eggy goodness — is a thing of unending beauty, really. And whenever sliced, makes for a moment that is the embodiment of food porn.

But to make proper omurice, a lot of technique and boundless finesse must be used, as revealed by this viral TikTok clip from omuraisuporo.

Amassing 9 million+ views as of this article, what we are treated to is a mesmerizing display of savvy knowhow, quickness and sophistication, with deft movements punctuating this display of culinary skill.

It’s a clip worthy of repeat viewing, as the soothing soundtrack accompanying the impressive cooking display completes a visual that educates as much as it relaxes.

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