This Pumpkin Spice Pizza Cake Will Make You Love Fall Even More

epic pumpkin spice pizza

The number of pumpkin products that have been released this year makes me want to hit my head against a 1,200-pound pumpkin until I pass out, then have someone pour 14 scorching hot pumpkin spice lattes over my unconscious body.

Unfortunately everyone else seems to eat up this pumpkin spice crap and crave more.

As only the Epic Meal Time guys can, they’ve taken pumpkin spice to the next level and incorporated it into a pizza cake doughy mess.

In typical Epic video style, they stuffed this thing with a ton of bacon strips. Not just regular bacon strips, though. They pumpkin-spiced them. The guys also pumpkin-spiced the pizza sauce and cheese. They say they wanted to pumpkin-spice everything “until it smells like a fuckin’ candle store at the mall.”

To made a pumpkin-spice dome, they stacked pizza over pizza until a tower of pizza cake was formed.

Pumpkin spice is getting out of control, but I might be down for some pumpkin spice bacon a la carte.

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