This Olympic Athlete Eats More McDonald’s Than Your Whole Squad

This dude looks like me during a cheat meal, except he has a six pack, and is a world-class Olympic athlete.
Sawan Serasinghe of the Australian Badminton team didn’t fare too well in the Olympics, losing all of his matches, but just competing in Rio alone is quite a privilege, and he celebrated his “L’s” with enough McDonald’s to feed a family of at least eight people.
After months of training with a clean diet, Serasinghe went balls to the wall and ate six orders of large fries (3,060 calories), six brownies (1,680 calories), 40 McNuggets (1,920 calories), 2 hamburgers (500 calories), three McChickens (1,080 calories), a Big Mac (563 calories), a large shake (about 510 calories) and some water. The total calorie count adds up to about 9,300 calories.
It’s interesting to see the insane amount of food these Olympic athletes can scarf down, as we also saw swimmers Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte chowing down on a huge container of spaghetti, right after they competed last week.
I’m not sure if McDonald’s is looking to support badminton players, but this dude looks like he would be the perfect candidate for not only a sponsorship, but high blood pressure.