This Mac N Cheese Whoopie Pie Bullies Your Basic Whoopie Pie
Dessert is probably the first thing you think about when you think about whoopie pies. False! Change your way of thinking. You will now crave something savory.
Our friend The Vulgar Chef has a churlish way of presenting his insanely tantalizing food creations and this Mac And Cheese Whoopie pie is no exception.
The chef was inspired by taking a look at the Thug Kitchen cookbook, a cookbook with healthy alternatives to the crap we usually eat. He wasn’t inspired by any particular recipe in that cookbook though. He was actually upset by it and decided to create something repulsive.
As the chef so gallantly put it, “There is nothing ‘thug’ about pumpkin chili. That’s basic bitch soup.” He then added, “This shit pissed me off so much I needed to make something filthy as fuck.”
So he created a whoopie pie dish using macaroni and cheese buns with an Easy Cheese canned-cheese filling.
I will never look at whoopie pies the same again.
H/T The Vulgar Chef