This Homer Simpson Statue Is Completely Covered in Junk Food
It is pretty appropriate that an homage to the portly Homer Simpson be covered entirely with the sugary goodies that made him the man he is. has a show called “Fast Food Formations,” where they mess around and just create cool stuff using food. For this Homer statue, they used 29 mini white powdered donuts, 128 yellow gummy bears and 26 lemon gummies to make his arms and yellow melted saltwater taffy for his face. His shirt was made up of giant marshmallows, vanilla meringues and mini powdered donuts. The outline of his shirt and hair were made with licorice, and they surrounded him with an ocean of blue gummy bears, blue cotton candy and his favorite pink sprinkled donuts. Oh, yeah. His beloved Duff beer was made with 77 cola gummies.
Mmm… Sacrilicious.
H/T, PicThx Mandatory