This ‘Hangover Taxi’ Will Serve You Noodles and Bring You to Work
In what is perhaps the most brilliant idea of 2014, a London noodle shop has launched Kab-U-To Work, a service they’ve dubbed the “Hangover Taxi.” Yes, it’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more. The unique taxi service picks up hurting party-goers from their doorsteps and ushers them to work in a car decked out with a hot bowl of Kabuto noodles, orange juice, breath mints, hangover medicine and even sunglasses.
I’m sorry friends and family, but England beckons.
Apparently, Kabuto was inspired to create the hangover service when they realized the market was lacking a proper form of transportation after a night of one too many tequila shots. At the moment, the service is free during the holidays, as the company is still testing the service to gauge it’s success before potentially expanding to other cities.
For those lucky ladies and gents in London, you can pre-book Kab-U-To via [email protected] with location and pick-up times or by tweeting @kabutonoodles with #kabutowork.
Unfortunately, ladies and gents in the states will be heading to work post-Christmas sans noodles.
H/T Daily Mail + Picthx Kabuto