This Guy Spent £36,000 Traveling the World in Search of the Perfect Bowl of Cornflakes
There’s nothing quite like starting your day off right with a tasty bowl of cereal, and no one believes in the power of oats more than Mick Hobday of Hampshire, England.
Basically, Mick is on a serious search for the perfect bowl of Corn Flakes. And by that we mean his love for the cereal runs really, really deep. He’s spent the last 11 years and around £36,000 traveling across the globe to taste Corn Flakes in 60 different countries, and so far, all 4,000 bowls of cereal have fallen short of his ideal breakfast niblet.
How will Mick know he’s stricken upon a Corn Flake jackpot? He describes the perfect cereal bit as “dark, crunchy, organic and locally grown.” So until Mick meets his cereal match, he’ll keep on traveling, eating and crunchin’ on corn. Rough life, eh?
H/T + PicThx Gap Year