This Giant Easter Egg Will Be Pretty Hard to Hide, Yet Pretty Easy to Find

Ah Easter, the time when my little cousins rummage my parent’s house for buried Easter eggs and continuously ask me when I will outgrow my Wii so they can take all my video games (answer: NEVER). High on candy and the hopes of more of it, the little munchkins dig into every crevice of our backyard, my bedroom, and my bathroom (funny, we specifically  say the house is off limits).

This year, I might want to flip the game on its head and tell them there’s a monster skyscraper-sized bunny terrorizing the neighborhood and he’s laying equivalently-sized chocolate eggs everywhere. I can only imagine my cute infant cousins trying to wrap their hands around this 40cm high, 30cm wide Giant Easter Egg.

The two and a half kilogram chocolate egg is thick, hollow, and made of milk chocolate, decorated with a drizzle of white chocolate, white chocolate buttons and white chocolate jazzies. Sounds like a proper way to get chocolate-wasted…

($110.89 @ FireBox)

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