This Cocktail-Making Robot Lets You Order On Your Smartphone

Do you lack mega talent in the cocktail-making department? Getting the whole pouring/mixing/shaking thing down juuust right is pretty tough, but fret no more my friends. Bartendro has come to the rescue.

This awesome robo invention comes to us from Party Robotics, and it basically does all the dirty drink work for you. Simply place your cocktail order on a smartphone or device via app (whaa?!), place your glass under the gadget’s spout and the booze bot pours out a perfectly-proportioned cosmo or any other drink you fancy.

The thing is, in order to make the Bartendro a purchasable product, this Kickstarter project needs monetary support. So if you agree our society will undoubtedly benefit from the addition of a robotic bartender, then what are you waiting for?! Dig out that wallet, and donate to the cocktail cause.

H/T The Awesomer + PicThx Kickstarter

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