This Baseball Stadium Just Announced All-Bacon And All-Fried Food Booths

Major League Baseball teams have tried to reach the pinnacle of gluttony this spring and the Texas Rangers are next on the list of ridiculous food announcements.
ESPN’s Darren Rovell reported that the Rangers will have a booth at Rangers Park in Arlington that serves all-fried foods, state fair-style, and an all-bacon food stand as well.
Some of the highlights of these booths include an intimidating Fried S’mOres treat, Chicken-Fried Corn on the Cob, bacon cotton candy and bacon beer.
Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve seen churro hot dogs from the Arizona Diamondbacks, taco salad hot dogs from the Atlanta Braves, even a bacon-filled donut dog from a Kansas City Royals minor league affiliate.
It seems like every week, another baseball team is looking to top the list of crazy stadium food. Opening day is in two weeks, so there’s still time for more insane reveals.