This Anti-Bruising Banana Holder Totally Looks Like A . . . *Ahem*

Poor phallic foods. They never asked to look like male genitalia. They never asked to be thought about dirty mindedly. They never asked to be put there.

But never let it be said that being a banana doesn’t come without its perks. Continuing humanity’s undying devotion to protect its delicate, dangling fruits, the “Banana Bunker” is the latest anti-bruising banana holder which, despite all its merits, still looks remarkably like a condom. But not just any condom, mind you. The Origami Condom. Which makes it even more stupid.

The product description reads: “Whether you are on a hiking trip, day trip, athletic event, between classes, or at a board meeting, the Banana-bunker will keep your fruit safe until you are ready to snack.” You hear that? Until you are ready. It’s just like being your own sugar daddy.

Go ahead, pamper your banana.

The Banana Bunker: $6.99 @

H/T +PicThx Geekologie

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