These Flip Flops Say it All: Beer Me
Of all the summer “must haves,” these custom flip flops are at the top of our list. Just imagine frolicking on the beach in that little number (whether it be a bikini or a speedo) and having your boo/comrades/minions chase you around with bottles of ice cold beer. It’s like having your own little party follow you wherever you go, and that’s always a good time.
Granted, you can customize these clever flip flops to say anything you want, like “Just Married” or “Free Hugs.” Although, we don’t know why you would do such a thing when you can have something as practical as “Follow Me, Bring Beer” or even, “Will Work, For Bacon.”
Just think about it.
Follow Me Bring Beer, Custom Flip-Flops $20 @Etsy
H/T Cool Material