These Avengers Sugar Cookies are Definitely Earth’s Cutest

Here’s what you’ve missed since the Avengers movie: Iron Man can’t sleep, Black Widow straightened her hair, the ninth Doctor’s ransacking Asgard and Loki’s settled into his new lot in life as a Russell Brand impersonator. They were also all transformed into a set of adorable and incredibly detailed cookies and are palling around with the guys from Sherlock during its hiatus. Or is that not right?

In any case, resident tumblr cookie nerd Fanfectionary is ringing in the latest batch of Avenger-sequels the best way she knows how: with SWEETS.

She describes her creative process:

I used a cutter for the cookie shape . . . and then did some editing of some edges and angles with a knife. Then I used a food coloring marker to outline the legs and such.”

Oh dearie, you make it sound so easy. Goodness knows anything I try would probably wind up on a list of Pinterest fails.

Check out the pics below to see all her finished cookies, which include Tony Stark, Captain America, Black Widow and my personal favorite, Loki

But of course, that’s coming from a biased and bonafide Hiddlestoner. Speaking of which, is that word supposed to be pronounced “bone-a feed-eh,” because it’s Latin? Inquiring minds want to know.





Also, because you’re dying to see it:

H/T Neatorama + PicThx Fanfectionary

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