The Rock Repays 7-Eleven Store That He Used To Steal Candy From ‘Every Day’

“When I was 14 years-old, every day I used to stop here at this 7-Eleven and steal a king-sized Snickers bar because I couldn’t afford one,” confessed Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in a recent Instagram post.
The Rock’s been open about his financial struggles growing up, which in this instance, had him swiping Snickers candy bars to fuel his daily workouts.
In a recent visit to Hawaii, Johnson pulled up to that very 7-Eleven location that he used to steal from and bought out all the Snickers candy bars in the store to “right the wrong.” And since he’s The People’s Champ, he paid for all the customers’ goods as well.
“We can’t change the past and some of the dumb stuff we may have done, but every once in a while we can add a little redeeming grace note to that situation — and maybe put a big smile on some stranger’s faces,” shared The Rock in the Instagram caption.
Trust, we smell all the kindness that you keep cookin’ up, champ.