The “Firecracker” Is The Easiest Weed Edible You Will Ever Make

Photo by Analiese Trimber

Given that this is Foodbeast, I probably don’t need to explain why edibles are amazing, but I’m going to do it anyways. First of all, edibles give you a completely different high. It’s more like a really awesome, visceral body high. Secondly, they really come in handy if you’re looking to be buzzed for an extended period of time but don’t want to take your stash with you.

One downside to edibles, though, is that they usually take a while to make, not to mention some skill. I’m not sure about you, but ain’t nobody got time to make canna-butter or canna-oil. That’s why I present to you, the “Firecracker.” Some of you true stoners out there may have heard of this concoction before. If you haven’t, all you need to know is that the dish only requires three ingredients, 30 minutes, and an oven. Perfect for when you want that edible but didn’t plan far enough ahead for brownies.

One thing to note about Firecrackers is that I like to describe them as a “choose your own adventure” high. You have direct control over how much weed you’re putting onto the graham cracker, which means you can decide how high you’re going to get. One gram is standard per Firecracker, but if you have a low tolerance, you can customize to your preferences. Also, remember that edibles take a little while to kick in. Don’t be that noob who goes in for seconds 30 minutes later because you don’t think the edible will work. Have faith.

Disclaimer: Since weed is illegal in most states, this recipe was photographed using oregano instead of weed. If you live in a state where weed is legal or if you have a med card (jealous), use the real stuff.  


Serves: 1

1 graham cracker sheet
1-2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 gram of weed, if you wanna get hella hyphy 


Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Lay out a sheet of aluminum foil.


Break graham cracker in half.


Spread peanut butter onto one half of graham cracker


Grind weed in your grinder, or pick apart until as fine as possible.


Sprinkle weed on top of peanut butter. Make sure all pieces are in contact with the peanut butter, as the weed needs to be in contact with the fat from the PB in order to extract the THC.


Sandwich the two graham cracker pieces together.


Wrap in foil and place in the oven for 25-30 minutes.


Enjoy! I like to drizzle mine with a little honey or agave syrup because I’m a bougie bitch.


Photos by: Analiese Trimber

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